Friday, March 31, 2017

Food journal entries for 3/31/17

First Snack
Place: BTC Building
Time: 10:30 AM
What I ate: Large Kit Kat Bar, and chocolate peanut butter waffles

Second Snack
Place: In the Van
Time: 12:00 PM
What I ate: Candy Bar, 2 bags of potato chips
What I drank: Coca-Cola

Place: Home
Time: 5:00 PM
What I ate: Baked Chicken breasts with vegetables, stewed tomatoes
What I drank: water

Third Snack
Place: Home
Place: 7:00 PM
What I ate: Butter grits (2 cups)
What I drank: water and green tea

I now wonder if I have what it takes to consume healthy foods and drinks.  The answer based on today is no.  I don't have what it takes.  I don't have a clue.  I need to plan out my meals and my snacks.  That could be of help.  

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Food Journal entry 3/29/17

I was fasting but I did not.  I felt like a failure momentarily.  I was at home at the time.  I did however, exercise for just over 19 minutes.

3:30-4:00 PM
It was difficult looking for lunch I realize that breakfast is the important meal of the day, so we all have been told.  My lunch/dinner was broccoli macaroni and cheese.  I had 2 servings of this, which would be over 600 calories.  I was at home.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Taking another break

I was and will be on a break until tomorrow.  I am okay and I will be back.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Food journal entry for 3/26/17

2 homemade biscuits
7:00 AM
home: finally awake

Snack 1
natural peanut butter
slice of wheat bread
sweetened orange juice
9:15 AM
Home: blood sugar was falling fast

Snack 2
sweetened corn flakes
reduced-fat milk
9:40 AM
Home: blood sugar was falling fast

chicken fingers
homemade biscuit
3:00 PM
Home: awake

shells and cheese
7:00 PM
Home: apprehensive, but food was good

Snack 3
natural peanut butter
slice of wheat bread
10:18 PM
Home: thought it was hunger

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Food Journal 3/25/17

Saturday, 3/25/17

8:55 AM

Peanut butter
Slice of bread
2:25 PM

Green Peas
Homemade biscuits (3)
4:25 PM

Homemade biscuits (2)
8:15 PM

Emotional: I have been feeling optimistic all day.  However, I need to lay off the biscuits and processed foods.

Place: I ate at home.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Reflection for today 3/24/17

I have not added menus for the past few days.  I have to write down all that I have eaten and drank. Well, I have consumed all food and drink at home today.  I am okay, but I am still hungry.  I realize that mentally, I can lose weight.  It is up to me to do so.

9:50 AM

Scrambled Cheese eggs
Buttered toast
10:30 AM

As for dinner for now, I am trying to find something healthy to eat.  It is almost 7 PM and I realize that I consume dinner and at least one snack during the day.  I realize that I need that I am a diabetic who needs to watch her diet.  I have not consumed healthier foods enough.  I need to cook more and to actually do something about all of the things that I have learned concerning eating a healthy diet.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

What I ate for the past two days 3/20/17 and 3/21/17

Monday 3/20/17
candy bars and donut sticks

Cheese sandwich
tater tots

whipped topping

snack 1

snack 2
can of pineapples

Tuesday 3/21/17
peanut butter

pancake syrup/honey
homemade turkey sausage

Cheese Sandwich

Monday, March 20, 2017

My confession is..

I have a confession to make.  I don't eat healthy and I often don't eat in small quantities.  Food doesn't just taste as good in smaller portions.  It is as if I have to have large portions or I will end up starving. That is at least starvation is what is on my mind at the time.  I get full on a few occasions, but foods that fill up most people longer don't stay keeping me full. To me a good day would be to log every good food at a set time.  I eat this for breakfast and even estimate the number of calories that I consume with some water.  I would like to be able to do this and not feel like I have to do this.  My mindset is a part of the problem.  Now I, with help, will and can change my way of thinking about food.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Things I have realized

I realize that I needed help a long time ago.  I have yet to be fully diagnosed by a physician.  For years, I felt powerless to do anything.  I don't want to feel that way anymore.  I don't crave healthy foods, and I have written and prayed a lot about losing weight.  I feel like over the years, I have all but dealt with guilt and giving up.  I admit to giving up on myself, which is something I didn't recall doing.  I don't want to be that way either.  I don't know where to begin, but I would like to overcome the guilt and the feeling of powerlessness or one day it will be closer to even worse health.  Time is just too short.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Journaling to Treat Eating disorders

Journaling to Treat Eating Disorders

Journaling, or jotting down what you eat and how you feel, is an important part of treating eating disorders. Write your way to good nutrition today.

By Marie Suszynski

Medically Reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH

When you have an eating disorder and obsess over every calorie you put in your mouth, it’s easy to think it’s all about the food. But professionals will tell you it’s not.

“The food is not why people have eating disorders,” says Julie Dorfman, RD, director of nutrition services at the Renfrew Center of Philadelphia, an eating disorders treatment facility. Rather, food is what people with eating disorders use to communicate their frustrations, Dorfman explains.

Journaling: The Benefits

Journaling can be an outlet for those frustrations. Writing down what you eat and how you’re feeling while you’re eating can pinpoint emotions that are causing your symptoms, Dorfman says.

Journaling: What to Report

An important part of journaling is keeping track of the number of servings of food you’re getting during the day to ensure that you’re eating enough, Dorfman says. Your dietitian can tell you how many portions of each of the different food groups to eat daily to get the nutrition you need to stay healthy; the specific amounts will vary based on your weight and caloric needs.

You’ll want to be sure to record triggers: Nutritionists tell people with eating disorders to record their feelings before, during, and after a meal so that they’ll recognize which feelings or situations trigger their eating disorder symptoms. The compulsive eater who had an argument with someone before lunch might find that she wants to eat more than she needs at that meal.

Journaling not only serves as an outlet for your emotions, it can also help you slow down and think about what you’re doing before you restrict, binge, or purge, Dorfman notes.

Full article here

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

My confession that needed to be made a long time ago

I wrote my struggles with binge eating.  I have a problem.  There should be no shame in eating. There should also be no guilt when it comes to the love of good food.  However, I felt shame and guilt.  I stopped caring at some times and I think I'm hungry at other times.  I have low self worth and I often feel guilty about my weight, or at least feel guilty about gaining weight.  I had thoughts about wondering what were to happen if I had stayed on that diet, how I would look.  I often wished that I had stuck to this diet.  I felt bad about my body and deep down, I have since I could remember.  I dieted and lost and gained weight since I was in fourth grade.  I often weighed more than the other kids and was made fun of because of it.  I had friends and a social life, but I lacked confidence when it came to dating.  I never felt I was attractive enough.  I even hated looking at some of my pictures. Other people had great looking school pictures but I never thought I photographed well, not even til this day.  I wanted to change things for years, but now is the time to take a stand.  I am finally being honest and I am finally getting help.  I wish this could be a regular entry, but following a plan has been hard and creating a journal has been even harder.  I  am feeling so much better about things and about myself because for the first time, I am finally being honest with myself.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Binge eating

Today, as I have done other days, all I do is overeat.  I believe that as a Christian, gluttony is a sin. Maybe I am, but maybe I am not.  Whatever the case may be, I have a problem.  I have been wondering why I binge, but I do.  I have no clue what the Bible says about my issue with food.  Why do I overeat?  Will a journal help me?  What can be of help?  Whenever I binge, I often feel powerless to stop it.  I feel so alone at times.  I am in need of some support.  I know that I cannot do this on my own.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Short reflection

Today is the day when I wish I had made a journal.  I have overeaten and yet the worst part is that I ate all of this at home.  Next time, I should do this.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Weight Loss Journal Print Out, Tips and Ideas

A weight loss journal can be the key to diet success.  Are you ready to make your own food diary and exercise log?

Start by picking a spiral notebook or a bound, lined journal. Then decide what you are going to write in your weight loss diary. Obviously, the first thing you want to record is your total food and drink intake for the day.

Need a guide? You can download or print this food journal and paste it into your new weight loss journal or you can simply use it as a guide. It can help you to remember what you ate at each meal and snack. It can also help you plan meals and snacks in advance.

Try to include an exact portion size of each food and beverage. Serving size matters! And remember, keeping an accurate food journal means writing down everything that you consume, including samples and tastes while you are cooking. We often eat without being truly conscious of it. Your new food diary is the best way to get a true idea of your food intake.

Record your portion size, keeping in mind that your portion size may be different than the serving size listed on the Nutrition Facts label.  If you do not know the portion of the food you ate, you can eyeball your food intake to get an estimate .

If you don't have a Nutrition Facts label available for the food you eat, use the calorie counter at Calorie Count or another nutrition data website or app to get important information like calories and protein, fat, carbohydrate, and fiber grams.

You may find it easier to do this record-keeping all at one time at the end of the day instead of taking the time to do it little by little as the day progresses.

If possible, try to jot down the time you start eating and the time you finish eating. Recording your meal times and meal duration will help you see if you are eating too fast. Many dieters (and non-dieters) eat too quickly.

You will also notice if you are eating too often. Some dieters find it helpful to eat on a regular schedule rather than grazing all day long. Eating too often could be a sign that you are not eating balanced meals. Frequent eating can also cause weight gain or diet failure.

Source of full article from

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Evidence that supports the prescription of low-carbohydrate high-fat diets: a narrative review

Evidence that supports the prescription of low-carbohydrate high-fat diets: a narrative review

Timothy David Noakes1, Johann Windt2,3

Low-carbohydrate high-fat (LCHF) diets are a highly contentious current topic in nutrition. This narrative review aims to provide clinicians with a broad overview of the effects of LCHF diets on body weight, glycaemic control and cardiovascular risk factors while addressing some common concerns and misconceptions. Blood total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations show a variable, highly individual response to LCHF diets, and should be monitored in patients adhering to this diet. In contrast, available evidence from clinical and preclinical studies indicates that LCHF diets consistently improve all other markers of cardiovascular risk—lowering elevated blood glucose, insulin, triglyceride, ApoB and saturated fat (especially palmitoleic acid) concentrations, reducing small dense LDL particle numbers, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels, blood pressure and body weight while increasing low HDL-cholesterol concentrations and reversing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This particular combination of favourable modifications to all these risk factors is a benefit unique to LCHF diets. These effects are likely due in part to reduced hunger and decreased ad libitum calorie intake common to low-carbohydrate diets, allied to a reduction in hyperinsulinaemia, and reversal of NAFLD. Although LCHF diets may not be suitable for everyone, available evidence shows this eating plan to be a safe and efficacious dietary option to be considered. LCHF diets may also be particularly beneficial in patients with atherogenic dyslipidaemia, insulin resistance, and the frequently associated NAFLD.


Imagine a obese (BMI=32 kg/m2) woman aged 57 years with other evidence for insulin resistance (IR), including hyperinsulinaemia and impaired glucose tolerance together with atherogenic dyslipidaemia (AD) (triglyceride (TG)=340 mg/dL (8.8 mmol/L), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C)=42.4 mg/dL (1.1 mmol/L), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C)=195 mg/dL (5.05 mmol/L)) who enters her family physician's office. Frustrated with her poor health and progressive weight gain, on the advice of a friend, she has decided to begin a low-carbohydrate high-fat (LCHF) Atkins-type diet. How should her physician respond? What evidence does the physician require to make an informed decision?

LCHF diets have polarised the opinions of medical caregivers, especially since the publication of Dr Atkins' Diet Revolution in 1972.1 Some believe that these diets effectively treat type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), obesity and metabolic syndrome.2 ,3 Others consider them to be simply a fad4 in conflict with current globally accepted dietary guidelines that advocate low-fat high-carbohydrate (LFHC) diets to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.5 ,6 Faced with such conflicting opinions, the clinician may be unsure how to advise this or other similar patients. Here, we provide an updated narrative review of the large body of published evidence describing the physiological effects, efficacy and safety of LCHF diets for the management, especially of this type of patient characterised by IR and AD.

A number of systematic reviews have compared the effects of LCHF diets, traditional LFHC diets and other dietary strategies7–13 on body weight control and cardiovascular risk factors. Collectively, they establish that, for weight loss, LCHF diets are just as effective, if not more so, than LFHC diets.9 ,14–16 They also highlight a number of significant changes to cardiovascular risk factors in participants adhering to LCHF diets.10 ,14 ,17 The strength of these reviews is their systematic research strategy and meta-analysis of data to answer specific research questions. However, this strength limits their relevance to their defined question, not allowing a broader overview of the evidence for metabolic, physiological and other effects of LCHF diets.

The aim of this review is not to argue whether LCHF diets are superior to other dietary strategies for any specific health outcome. Rather, we synthesise the evidence for the effects of LCHF diets on weight loss, glycaemic control, modification of cardiovascular risk factors as well as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and its associated AD. Further, we address common concerns sometimes presented as reasons why LCHF diets should not be prescribed to any patient. Through this process, we hope to provide clinicians with additional evidence to inform their clinical decision-making, better to understand the potential benefits of these eating plans for at least some patients.


Though definitions of LCHF diets differ, the following three-tiered definition will be used in this paper.2

Moderate carbohydrate diet (26–45% of daily kcal)

LCHF diet (<26% of total energy intake or <130 g CHO/day)

Very LCHF (ketogenic) diet (20–50 g CHO/day or <10% of daily kcal of 2000 kcal/day diet)

Reduced carbohydrate diets are those that have carbohydrate intakes below the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) recommendations (of 45–65% of total energy intake). However, we define LCHF diets as those that restrict carbohydrate intake to 130 g/day or less. Very LCHF (ketogenic) diets may induce ketosis in some people. Though individual responses vary, ketosis usually occurs in people who restrict their carbohydrate intake to below 20–50 g/day with some degree of protein restriction.

Since the carbohydrate content of the diet is significantly reduced, the relative proportion of energy derived from protein and fat will increase. In practice, however, LCHF diets typically produce a reduction in hunger,18 with the result that the individual's total caloric consumption will usually decrease on the LCHF diet, sometimes significantly. Therefore, even though the relative contribution of fat to dietary energy intake may increase, the absolute fat intake may not. As a result, the term ‘high fat’ diet may be misleading. Hence, the term low-carbohydrate healthy fat is probably more appropriate.