Monday, November 17, 2014

Entry for 11/17/14

So the bad news is that I gained some weight.  Granted, it wasn't substantial, but I gained weight. Since this morning I have consumed many fruits and vegetables such as beans, oranges, stewed vegetables, asparagus and sweet peas.  It is not often that I consume fruits and vegetables in such a large amount.  Therefore, I am proud of myself today.  I have consumed at least 7 or 8 servings of fruit and vegetables.  So far, I have consumed 1426 calories today.  I have just consumed about 1.5 cup of beans just now.  I have always wanted to consumed more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I don't feel guilty about what I ate today overall but I was not perfect as I consumed sweetened corn flakes with reduced fat milk.  That I admit was not healthy.  I have learned from this as I wish I have eaten either unsweetened corn flakes or some brown rice.  But it is too late to cry over spilled milk.

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