Sunday, December 13, 2015

How to Keep a Food Journal that works

How to keep a food journal that works
“Where’s your food journal?”

If you’re one of my clients, and you’ve ever complained to me about lower-than-expected results, you’ve heard the above phrase.

The food journal is THE most important physical tool for a person trying to adopt healthier eating habits.

It offers so many benefits:

accountability to anyone you show it to (even if it’s just to yourself)
a track-record of what does or does not work for you
a sure-fire way to think twice about that second piece of cake
…and many more. These are just the obvious benefits.

If you’re taking on The 90% Challenge, I would highly recommend you start one of these bad boys up right now. It’s so helpful when you’re making new habits to record your progress. If for nothing else, do it so that you can look back on this day (literally) and see how far you’ve come!

The first thing I do when I want to get clients back on track after say, holidays, gastro-vacations, or an awesomely unhealthy weekend, is to pull out their Google Docs food journal and start seeing how they do with getting back on track.

Now, just an fyi here: This is not for everyone. If you tend to over-obsess about every morsel you put into your mouth, have a history of disordered eating, or are already insanely busy and just don’t know if you can add something else onto your plate, drop this idea right now. You can still be healthy without being obsessive or stretched to your thinnest point. This just may not be the tool for your particular tool box. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of others that will fit your personality better. :)

If you’re game, however, here’s the updated rundown of how to keep an effective food journal:

Source of full article (tips) here..

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